Announcements & Media Releases

Date Title
1 Jun 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer :: Disclosure Of Interest Of Director - Mr Sarjit Singh Gill
1 Jun 2023 Request For Lifting Of Trading Halt :: Request For Lifting Of Trading Halt
1 Jun 2023 Commencement Of Investigations By CPIB In Relation To Business Operations In Brazil
1 Jun 2023 Request For Trading Halt :: Request For Trading Halt
31 May 2023 Change - Announcement Of Appointment :: Appointment Of Mr Sarjit Singh Gill As Independent Director
31 May 2023 Appointment Of An Additional Director
30 May 2023 Delivery of Third Dual-fuel Dredger to Van Oord
23 May 2023 Minutes Of The 60th Annual General Meeting Of Seatrium Limited
12 May 2023 Seatrium Interim Business Update For 1Q2023
5 May 2023 Seatrium Secures Two Offshore Substation Platform Projects From Empire Wind
4 May 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) :: Change In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder
3 May 2023 Seatrium Limited Business Update For The 1st Quarter Ended 31 March 2023
28 Apr 2023 Update On Brazil Proceedings
28 Apr 2023 Seatrium-TCOMS Ocean Lab Established to Advance Design and Operational Performance of Smart Ocean Systems and Infrastructure
28 Apr 2023 Change - Announcement Of Appointment :: Appointment Of Ms Ieda Gomes Yell As Independent Director
28 Apr 2023 Appointment Of An Additional Independent Director
27 Apr 2023 ABS and Seatrium Advance Pioneering Digital Transformation with Smart Yard Initiatives
26 Apr 2023 Change In Issuer Name :: Mandatory
26 Apr 2023 Annual General Meeting :: Voluntary
25 Apr 2023 Annual General Meeting :: Voluntary

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